We have set up the Friends of Frank Fund as a way to memorialize our Frank and to care for his farm friends both animal and student through the donations of those that loved him. If you would like to make a donation in Frank's memory please click on the link above. All monies collected through the FOFF will be used for animal care and scholarships on the farm just as Frank would want.
Frank was the heart of StoneLedge Stables since 2016. Frank came to us through a StoneLedge Family. He had been rescued in 2006 and spent many happy years on their farm as a part of their family. Frank and Sandy had an instant connection when they met and she knew right away that he was the guy she had been looking for to help her work with the children on the farm. A great partnership was born and Frank moved to Norwich VT to take on his new and most important job. A job that he loved every day working with the StoneLedge children.
Frank welcomed many families, little people and animals to StoneLedge Stables. He was our animal ambassador and social emotional well being facilitator. He had calm and stable presence that lent it self and it's strength to those that were unsure of his size or their own size.
Through Frank so many children have learned animal husbandry, lessons in riding, boosted their confidence, gained a best friend, and whispered their secrets into his mane. Through Frank many adults have watched their shy children smile, their timid children break free and their reserved children let go. Frank has given us all so many gifts.
Sadly Frank passed away peacefully on December 2, 2019. He was quite old and tired. He did not feel well anymore and he was ready to be at peace. We miss Frank immensely and we are ever so grateful for the moments we have left with our gentle giant.
Pearl arrived on the farm in August 2017 after being adopted from Gerda’s Equine Rescue in Townsend, VT. When Pearl was first rescued by Gerda, she was dangerously thin and it was obvious that her owners had been neglecting her for some time. She also had a foal by her side and it was clear that she was a very nurturing mother. In the beginning Pearl had significant trouble standing but she recovered under the watchful eye of Gerda and with the help of Tufts Veterinary Clinic. Pearl remains on vitamin E to help maintain her muscular strength. She is a funny, kind and gentle horse to have around the farm and we are so grateful to have her as part of our StoneLedge family. She is a mother figure to all, human and animal alike.
Fred arrived on the farm in June 2014. He came from a kill shelter in Davisville , KY and was slated to be euthanized if not pulled from the shelter. Thankfully, True North Dog Rescue did just that and allow Fred a second chance at life. Fred has worked with students both in a preschool classroom and on the farm during StoneLedge programs. He loves spending time outside in the sun, having his belly rubbed, being read to and resting under the apple trees. Fred is a calming presence on the farm and a trusty side kick who knows how important it is to have a buddy by your side.
Henry arrived from Puerto Rico in May 2019. He had lived most of his life outside, both on the street and at an animal sanctuary. Henry loves people and especially children. He is excited for any outdoor adventure and seems to really enjoy spending time with students. He loves to go for walks and to roll in the grass or snow.
Jack came to the farm in November 2016 after the family that loved and cared for him needed to relocate and were unable to take him. Jack arrived with his friend Diane who recently passed away at the age of 18. He is curious, social and loves to eat! Some of his favorites are lettuce, squash, watermelon, popcorn, carrots and graham crackers. Jack will even do tricks for special snacks. He loves to rest in the sun and have his belly scratched.
Bella arrived April 2018 after being rescued by one of our farm families. She had been living in Hartford, CT in an apartment and was seized during a domestic violence dispute. Bella was both healthy and social when she arrived and thankfully had grown up with children. This previous exposure shines through when we see her interacting with the children in our program with such love. She loves to eat, be brushed and explore new areas of the farm, weather they are meant for her or not.
StoneLedge Stables cares for an ever changing flock of hens. Our hens vary in both age and breed the oldest of which is six. These older ladies no longer lay eggs but still have plenty of life, love and entertainment to provide to the farm. In May we will be starting to raise some new chicks to add to our existing flock of four birds.
Madeline came from Northern, VT to be a companion to Pearl after our dear friend Frank passed away. Madeline was a member of a large herd of both fiber and dairy goats. Maddie was nervous when she first arrived as she had lived her whole life with her previous caretaker Jane and her herd. Pearl’s motherly instincts once again kicked in helping her and Madeline bond quickly. Maddie is sweet, observant and kind. Madeline has the best smile.
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